Параметрический анализатор полупроводниковых устройств 210 В/1 А, 10 мГц - 10 МГц, разрешение 200 нВ/10 аА

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Анализаторы полупроводников 4200A-SCS Подробнее

Американская компания Keithley Instruments, Inc. была основана в 1946 году в Кливленде (штат Огайо, США) Джозефом Ф. Кийтли. В 2010 году Keithley Instruments, Inc. вошла в состав американской компании Tektronix.

Компания занимается проектированием, разработкой,… подробнее

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Основные возможности и технические характеристики

Keithley 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer

Accelerate research, reliability and failure analysis studies of semiconductor devices, materials and process development with the 4200A-SCS. The highest performance parameter analyzer, it delivers synchronizing current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V) and ultra-fast pulsed I-V measurements.

Try it FREE on your PC.


Parametric insight, fast and clear.

Making connections to your bold discoveries has never been easier. The 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer reduces characterization complexity and test setup by up to 50%, providing clear, uncompromised measurement and analysis capability. Plus, embedded measurement expertise—an industry first—provides test guidance and gives you supreme confidence in your results.


  • Built-in measurement videos in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
  • Jump start your testing with hundreds of user-modifiable application tests
  • Automated real-time parameter extraction, data graphing, arithmetic functions
  • Measure. Switch. Repeat.

    The 4200A-CVIV Multi-Switch automatically switches between I-V and C-V measurements without re-cabling or lifting the prober tips. Unlike competing products, the four-channel 4200A-CVIV display provides local visual insight for quick test setup and easy troubleshooting when unexpected results occur.


  • Move C-V measurement to any device terminal without re-cabling
  • User-configurable for low current capability
  • Personalize the names of output channels
  • View real-time test status
  • Characterize. Customize. Maximize.

    Put simply, the 4200A-SCS is completely customizable and fully upgradeable so you can perform electrical characterization and evaluation of semiconductor devices, new materials, active/passive components, wafer level reliability, failure analysis, electrochemistry or virtually any type of sample.


  • NBTI/PBTI testing
  • Random telegraph noise
  • Non-volatile memory devices
  • Potentiostat application tests
  • Integrated solution with analytical probers and cryogenic controllers.

    The 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer supports many manual and semi-automated wafer probers and cryogenic temperature controllers, including Cascade MicroTech, Lucas Labs/Signatone, MicroManipulator, Wentworth Laboratories, LakeShore Model 336 cryogenic temperature controller.


  • "Point and click" test sequencing
  • "Manual" prober mode tests prober functionality
  • Fake prober mode enables debugging without removing commands
  • Cut Costs and Protect Your Investment

    Keithley Care plans provide fast, high-quality services at a fraction of the cost of on-demand service events. You are one click or phone call away from obtaining repair coverage - no quotes, purchase orders, or approval delays.

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    Основные возможности и технические характеристики

    Keithley 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer

    Accelerate research, reliability and failure analysis studies of semiconductor devices, materials and process development with the 4200A-SCS. The highest performance parameter analyzer, it delivers synchronizing current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V) and ultra-fast pulsed I-V measurements.

    Try it FREE on your PC.


    Parametric insight, fast and clear.

    Making connections to your bold discoveries has never been easier. The 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer reduces characterization complexity and test setup by up to 50%, providing clear, uncompromised measurement and analysis capability. Plus, embedded measurement expertise—an industry first—provides test guidance and gives you supreme confidence in your results.


  • Built-in measurement videos in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
  • Jump start your testing with hundreds of user-modifiable application tests
  • Automated real-time parameter extraction, data graphing, arithmetic functions
  • Measure. Switch. Repeat.

    The 4200A-CVIV Multi-Switch automatically switches between I-V and C-V measurements without re-cabling or lifting the prober tips. Unlike competing products, the four-channel 4200A-CVIV display provides local visual insight for quick test setup and easy troubleshooting when unexpected results occur.


  • Move C-V measurement to any device terminal without re-cabling
  • User-configurable for low current capability
  • Personalize the names of output channels
  • View real-time test status
  • Characterize. Customize. Maximize.

    Put simply, the 4200A-SCS is completely customizable and fully upgradeable so you can perform electrical characterization and evaluation of semiconductor devices, new materials, active/passive components, wafer level reliability, failure analysis, electrochemistry or virtually any type of sample.


  • NBTI/PBTI testing
  • Random telegraph noise
  • Non-volatile memory devices
  • Potentiostat application tests
  • Integrated solution with analytical probers and cryogenic controllers.

    The 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer supports many manual and semi-automated wafer probers and cryogenic temperature controllers, including Cascade MicroTech, Lucas Labs/Signatone, MicroManipulator, Wentworth Laboratories, LakeShore Model 336 cryogenic temperature controller.


  • "Point and click" test sequencing
  • "Manual" prober mode tests prober functionality
  • Fake prober mode enables debugging without removing commands
  • Cut Costs and Protect Your Investment

    Keithley Care plans provide fast, high-quality services at a fraction of the cost of on-demand service events. You are one click or phone call away from obtaining repair coverage - no quotes, purchase orders, or approval delays.

    Комплектацию Вы можете узнать:
    По тел.: +7 (495) 105 96 88 или
    Написать нам письмо: info@micro-electronics.ru
    Комплектацию Вы можете узнать:
    По тел.: +7 (495) 105 96 88 или
    Написать нам письмо: info@micro-electronics.ru
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    • Keithley 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Overview
    • Make I-V and C-V Measurements up to 2X Faster with the NEW 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer
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    Datasheet Model Description Pricing
    View Datasheet 4200A-SCS-PK1
    High Resolution IV
    210V/100mA, 0.1 fA resolution
    For two- and three-terminal devices, MOSFET, CMOS characterization Package 4200A-SCS-PK1 includes:
  • 4200A-SCS parameter analyzer
  • (2) 4200-SMU Module
  • (1) 4200-PA Preamp
  • (1) 8101-PIV Test fixture with sample devices
  • Request a Quote
    View Datasheet
    High Resolution IV & CV
    210V/100mA, 0.1 fA resolution, 1kHz - 10MHz
    For high κ dielectric, deep submicron CMOS characterization Package 4200A-SCS-PK2 includes:
  • 4200A-SCS parameter analyzer
  • (2) 4200-SMU Module
  • (1) 4200-PA Preamp
  • (1) 4210-CVU Capacitance-Voltage Module
  • (1) 8101-PIV Test fixture with sample devices
  • Request a Quote
    View Datasheet
    High Resolution and Power IV & CV
    210V/1A, 0.1 fA resolution, 1kHz - 10MHz
    For power devices, high κ dielectric, deep submicron CMOS device characterization Package 4200A-SCS-PK3 includes:
  • 4200A-SCS parameter analyzer
  • (2) 4200-SMU Module
  • (2) 4210-SMU
  • (2) 4200-PA Preamp
  • (1) 4210-CVU Capacitance-Voltage Module
  • (1) 8101-PIV Test fixture with sample devices
  • Request a Quote
    View Datasheet
    Ultra-fast NBTI/PBTI
    For sophisticated NBTI and PBTI measurements on leading-edge silicon CMOS technology Package 4200-BTI-A includes:
  • (1) 4225-PMU Ultra-Fast I-V Module
  • (2) 4225-RPM Remote Preamplifier/Switch Modules
  • Automated Characterization Suite (ACS) Software
  • Ultra-Fast BTI Test Project Module
  • Cabling
  • Request a Quote
    Модели и опции
    Модели и Опции
    Цена Заказать
    Параметрический анализатор полупроводниковых устройств без LCD-дисплея
    $48 762
    - шт +
    Warranty Information
    Warranty Summary
    This section summarizes the warranties of the 4200A-SCS. Any portion of the product that is not manufactured by Keithley is not covered by this warranty and Keithley will have no duty to enforce any other manufacturer's warranties.
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Hardware Warranty
    Keithley Instruments warrants the Keithley manufactured portion of the hardware for a period of one year from defects in materials or workmanship; provided that such defect has not been caused by use of the Keithley hardware which is not in accordance with the hardware instructions. The warranty does not apply upon any modification of Keithley hardware made by the customer or operation of the hardware outside the environmental specifications.
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Software Warranty
    Keithley warrants for the Keithley produced portion of the software or firmware will conform in all material respects with the published specifications for a period of ninety (90) days; provided the software is used on the product for which it is intended in accordance with the software instructions. Keithley does not warrant that operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the software will be adequate for the customer's intended application. The warranty does not apply upon any modification of the software made by the customer.
    По запросу
    - шт +
    Field Installable, High Power Source Measure Unit with Preamplifier
    $20 511
    - шт +
    Ultra-fast Pulsed I-V Unit
    $38 442
    - шт +
    Pulse Generator Unit
    $23 994
    - шт +
    Remote Preamplifier/Switch Module
    $5 998.50
    - шт +
    CVIV Multi-Switch Module
    $10 216.80
    - шт +
    C-V Power Package
    $6 333.90
    - шт +
    Field Installable, Medium Power Source Measure Unit
    $12 693.60
    - шт +
    Field Installable, Medium Power Source Measure Unit with Preamplifier
    $14 964
    - шт +
    Field Installable, High Power Source Measure Unit
    $17 673
    - шт +
    4200A-SCS-PK3 High Power I-V and C-V
    Parameter analyzer mainframe
    $54 051
    - шт +
    Two medium power SMU
    $10 668.30
    - шт +
    Two high power SMU
    $15 867
    - шт +
    Two preamplifier
    $2 476.80
    - шт +
    One multi-frequency C-V
    $27 348
    - шт +
    One test fixture with sample devices
    $1 431.90
    - шт +
    Upgrading the 4200A-SCS
    This upgrade service will convert any 4200-SCS mainframe to the 4200A-SCS widescreen mainframe with Clarius+ software. Any instrument modules in the 4200-SCS will be moved to the 4200A-SCS mainframe and the system will receive a factory calibration and a one year warranty on the mainframe.
    $30 057
    - шт +
    Required installation and factory calibration service when any instrument module is added to the 4200A-SCS mainframe. Only one 4200A-IFC is required per instrument module upgrade order. Not required when ordering the 4200A-MF-UP.
    По запросу
    - шт +
    This upgrade service will convert any 4200A-CVIV chassis to include the Groud Unit connector. A one year warranty is included.
    По запросу
    - шт +
    This service ugrades the embedded operating system of the 4200A-SCS Parameterr Analyzer to Microsoft® Windows® 10.
    - шт +

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